Services for doctors‘ surgeries

Customized products for doctors‘ surgeries, health centres, alternative practitioners and therapists

Market-Scout has been testing service quality and customer satisfaction for service companies in various industries for over ten years. We now offer a mystery test which we have developed especially for the requirements of GPs and other doctors‘ surgeries.

Our products

Icon of an ophthalmologist

Surgery Check

The standard product for the doctor’s surgery
– an employee-based check with the following key data:

  • Making an appointment
  • Availability of appointments (waiting time)
  • Appearance of the surgery or health centre from the inside and outside
  • Guidance, reception and waiting area
  • Equipment of the surgery or health centre
  • Waiting time in the surgery or health centre
  • Appearance of the employees
  • Appearance of the attending physician or employee
  • Consultation with the physician (empathy, comprehension, clarity), response to patient’s story
  • Emotional aspects (appreciation, empathy, building trust, eye level conversation, commitment)
  • Farewell, making a follow-up appointment
  • Additional sales through products in the surgery or health centre
  • Advice about treatments by partners or specialist colleagues

For special „deep“ tests, testers receive a specific „story“ aligned to your desired parameters. This „story“ defines the concerns or symptoms the tester should appear with. It also sets out the correct and incorrect behaviours which the patient can trigger in the tested person and subsequently evaluate (from the receptionist up to the attending physician). These can be simple stories, such as questioning the effectiveness of various products, up to the simulation of serious complaints. Additionally, we create individual stories specifically for your surgery, products and services.

We are also happy to test the processes of your medical competitors and create comparative evaluations of your practice.

Patient Survey

Our standard survey product for doctors‘ surgeries, health centres, alternative practitioners and therapists
If a surgery with a waiting room is available, we will interview patients and clients directly on site. Alternatively, a survey is conducted by telephone or via an online form.
Survey content:

  • Basic demographic data
  • Previous usage behavior
  • Assessment and acceptance of waiting times for appointments and in the surgery
  • Usage behavior of similar surgeries or health centres
  • Assessment of the surgery’s services and infrastructure
  • Assessment of the consulation with the physician (empathy, comprehensibility, clarity)

Fahrgastbefragung: Ein zufriedener und ein unzufriedener Smiley, daneben Checkboxen. Der zufriedene Smiley ist ausgewählt.

How we work

Protected data

Market-Scout retains personal customer data for a period of six months before it is pseudonymized. A longer storage period can be arranged upon request.

Pricing example

Really get to know your own surgery through our testers. Through them, you slip into the role of your patients and get to know how they feel about communication at the reception desk, making appointments, waiting times, and talking to the doctor.

In our pricing example, five of our testers were deployed twice each in different weeks. Test results are submitted on an ongoing basis so that coaching can be provided by our business psychologist.

Service Quantity Price/piece Total

Mystery Visit

  • Coordination of the Mystery Visitors on site
  • Test interviews including making an appointment

2 x 5



Setup and reporting – special conditions

  • Setup
  • Preparation of report and catalogue of measures

Actual costs of any paid products or services are passed on unchanged.

  • Business Psychology Workshop (optional)
    1/2 day





All prices excl. VAT (value added tax).

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